WATCH: Model Takes Drone to the Face During Photo Shoot


We’ve all heard the cautionary tales of starry-eyed Midwesterners making the trek west to the City of Angels in pursuit of super-stardom….only to return with a suitcase full of shame and rejection. Hollywood is a vicious town, where ambitious young people quickly learn that most of the clichés about breaking into The Biz are, unfortunately, true: the indignity of the so-called “casting couch;” the aggression of unscrupulous and manipulative talent managers; the lonely, nightly dinners made up of cheap Ramen noodles and the tears of repeated failure.

Sadly, nothing could have prepared 25-year-old Jess Adams, an aspiring model/actress from Columbus, Ohio, from what befell her on a crisp Saturday morning in Malibu last weekend, when all she wanted to do was help a friend by modeling some clothing for a photo shoot.

What Adams got instead was a four-propeller drone straight to the face.

Adams was posing on a rocky bluff when the drone that had been filming her suddenly struck her in the face. TMZ obtained footage of the incident, which it helpfully looped in slow-motion for full effect. From the looks of the video, it appears a sudden gust of wind was responsible for the harm.

Fortunately, Adams only suffered minor scrapes and bruises, though TMZ reports she did go to the emergency room just to be safe.

The actress, who has appeared in small roles on television, including on the NBC show Community, posted some photos to her Instagram to reassure fans she was okay.

Adams had a commendably sunny attitude about the incident, telling TMZ: “If you’re gonna get hit in the face with a drone, better at least be able to watch it and die laughing.”


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